Fighting Back Against Child Abuse

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Filing Day

Believe it or not, I actually did it. I got everything filed, and we have a motion before the judge on Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. That's motion hour for Division 1. I'm a little disappointed, though. We have a different judge. They put it into Division 1, instead of Judge George's court. I kind of wanted Judge George to have a chance to do the right thing and straighten this mess out. But now it looks like it's out of his hands. So, I guess we'll deal with whoever the judge is in Division 1. Pray for a happy ending.

Psychomom got hold of one of the flyers I've been passing out. Apparently I gave one to a friend of hers, who took it to her. She hasn't called me directly, but I gathered she's not happy. (I gathered this because she called T.J. and raked him over the coals.) I'd much have preferred that she call me, but that's not her style. I hope I can sleep tonight, knowing I've upset her. Guess I'll just have to do the best I can.

Speaking of Psychomom, I'm sure she'll be upset when she gets her copy of the motion for Monday. If we're lucky she'll refuse to give up the boys for the weekend. That way we can also move the judge for a contempt citation Monday. A little jail time for contempt might change her attitude. It would help her build character.

No more news for tonight. I do want to plug my lawyer, though. His name is George Schuhmann, and he's really good. He's also inexpensive as lawyers go. If you need a good lawyer, call him. His number is 439-3766.

Catch you tomorrow.